Who are we

Empowering You to Happier, Healthier Life

Welcome to Your Life Help! We are dedicated to helping you overcome life challenges and achieve a harmonious balance of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. With our holistic and personalised approach, tailored to your unique goals and aspirations, you'll find happiness, freedom, and contentment in all areas of your life.

We provide the tools and mindset to navigate life's obstacles and foster a positive and resilient outlook. Join us on your journey towards transformation and fulfillment at Your Life Help.

Our specialized services include:

  • Manage Anxiety & Stress

  • Build Confidence & Overcome Fear

  • Habit Transformation

  • Resilience building

  • Overcoming fear

  • Career & Leadership Coaching

  • Weight Management/Emotional Eating

  • Elevate Mood & Improve Sleep

  • Relationship Challenges Coaching

  • Many more...
Our Services

Chaya Reddy

Holistic Wellness & Mindset Coach

Welcome to my website! I'm Chaya Reddy, an NHS Leadership and Personal Development Coach deeply passionate about holistic well-being. Drawing from my expertise in counselling, life coaching, health advocacy, and nutrition, I offer a comprehensive approach to enhance your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. My coaching service is meticulously crafted to uplift every aspect of your being, providing a holistic transformation..

I firmly believe in the power of self-awareness and cultivating healthy habits for long-lasting health and happiness. Through personal development, I empower individuals to maintain their well-being, equipping them with essential skills, tools, techniques, and cutting-edge knowledge to navigate life's challenges gracefully. I strongly believe that when humans thrive, we gain the resilience and capability to effectively overcome life’s obstacles. I believe Thriving is key to overcoming challenges and reducing mental health challenges.

Ready to transform your life? Join me on this journey to ignite your inner fire. Together, we'll find equilibrium, achieve happiness, optimal health, and spread contagious joy to others.

Our Specialist Services

Whatever your challenge, our team of diverse, experienced, qualified professionals are here to help..

What our fantastic clients think

Hundreds of amazing people have transformed their lives with us. You can too..

Why Choose Us